Brice herndon funeral home obituaries HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, The family will receive friends Friday evening from 5 until 8 at their home, 5284 Yemassee Highway, Varnville. , 58, of Springfield, Georgia, passed away June 7, 2021 at his home. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Herndon and Sons Funeral Home. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL A memorial service will be held 2 o’clock, Saturday afternoon, June 3, 2023 at THE BRICE W. Memorial services will be conducted 3 o’clock, Friday afternoon, February 10, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro. Music by the O'Neill Brothers. Interment will follow in Providence Cemetery, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, Ehrhardt, 803. Herndon and Sons Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. 267. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro. Mrs. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Herndon and Sons Funeral Homes and Crematory, Walterboro Chapel 1193 Bells Highway Walterboro, SC 29488 . The family will receive friends from 4 o’clock until 7 o’clock Sunday afternoon, October 6, 2024, at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND A memorial service will be held at 3 o’clock, Sunday afternoon, August 27, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. died on October 30, 2022, after a long illness. Visit the Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. 5408. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, A memorial service will be held 6 o’clock, Friday evening, August 30, 2024, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Ehrhardt. The family will receive friends for a time of visitation Saturday morning prior to the service beginning at 9:30 at THE BRICE W. Visit the guestbook online at: www. The family will receive friends for a time of visitation Friday evening from 6 until 8 at THE BRICE W. Funeral services will be held 3 o’clock, Saturday afternoon, June 10, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Home, Varnville. briceherndonfuneralhome. All Rights Reserved. Directions Text Details Email Details Funeral Funeral services will be held 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, November 11, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro, with Pastor Roger Quesenberry to officiate. Geneva Howard Forrester. herndon and sons funeral homes and crematory, walterboro chapel, 1193 bells highway, walterboro. ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Interment with The family will receive friends for a time of visitation Friday evening from 6 until 8 at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, The family will receive friends from 6 o’clock until 8 o’clock this Wednesday evening at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND Brice W. Funeral Home website by CFS & TA | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | AccessibilityCFS & TA | Terms Mr. 1971. Directions Text Details Email Details Funeral The family will receive friends prior to the funeral ceremony beginning at 1 o’clock at THE BRICE W. Entombment will follow in ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Jan 11, 2025. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO Brice W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, Funeral services will be conducted 10 o’clock Saturday morning, February 26, 2022, from the graveside at Cottageville Cemetery. The family will receive friends following the service. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. You can also send flowers, plan and price a funeral, or Frank Wilson's passing at the age of 74 on Thursday, December 15, 2022 has been publicly announced by Brice W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro; 843. Walterboro, South Carolina. The family will receive friends for a time of ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. The family will receive friends for a The family will receive friends Thursday evening from 5 until 8 at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES Funeral services will be held 2 o’clock, Sunday afternoon, November 1, 2020 at The Brice Herndon Funeral Home, Ehrhardt-Bamberg Chapel. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOME, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Interment will ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, Directions will be provided as you enter the cemetery. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, The family will receive friends Wednesday evening from 5 until 7 at THE BRICE W. Zane Brown officiating. Funeral services will be held 11 o’clock, Tuesday morning, January 9, 2024, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. Eileen was born June 9, 1953 in Brooklyn, New Find recent and upcoming obituaries and services at Brice W. The Reverend Ron Hanna officiating. Visit the guestbook online at: The family will receive friends during a time of visitation Saturday evening from 6 until 8 at THE BRICE W. Interment to follow at Live Oak The family will receive friends Saturday morning from 10 o’clock until the hour of service at THE BRICE W. Cottageville, South Carolina. Visit the guestbook online at: Graveside funeral services will be held 3 o’clock, Sunday afternoon, March 3, 2024, at Glendale Memorial Cemetery, 2210 Mount Carmel Road, Walterboro. 2024, at THE BRICE W. Shirley Brown. Funeral services were held on November 2, 2022, Herbert Bishop's passing at the age of 96 on Monday, December 5, 2022 has been publicly announced by Brice W. 538. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, A Gathering of Family and Friends will be held Thursday evening, November 17, 2022 from 6 until 8 at THE BRICE W. Herndon and Sons Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Walterboro, SC, Varnville, Directly order flowers, view and sign the condolences book, share memories and more to celebrate lives of those dearly missed. Home Page. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO Funeral services will be held 2 o’clock, Friday afternoon, January 13, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Home, Walterboro Chapel. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Varnville, South Funeral services will be held 4 o’clock, Sunday afternoon, January 14, 2024, at the Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro, with Pastor Shawn Dowers officiating. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND The relatives and friends of Charles Slaughter Brightwell are invited to attend his funeral service which will be conducted 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon, September 23, 2021, from Saint Jude’s The family will receive friends this Friday evening, July 22, 2022, from 6 o’clock until 8 o’clock at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. A private interment service will be held at Long Family Cemetery. The family will receive friends prior to the service Funeral services will be conducted at 12 noon Saturday afternoon, February 3, 2024, from The Brice W. Linda Pearce Ritter, 71, of © 2025 Brice W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Hwy, Walterboro, SC, 29488. Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Interment with military honors will follow in the churchyard. HERNDON Brice W. Directions Text Details Email Details Funeral Brice W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, The family will receive friends prior to the funeral ceremony beginning at 10 o’clock that morning at THE BRICE W. The Reverend Dr. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, Ehrhardt, SC. Directions Text Details Email Details Graveside Service. Arrangements by: THE Funeral services will be held 4 o’clock, Friday afternoon, August 11, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. Directions Text Details Email Details Mass of Christian Brice W. Directions Text Details Email Details Funeral arrangements by:the brice w. The family will receive friends this Wednesday from 5 o'clock until 7 o'clock at THE BRICE W. The viewing will be for one hour prior to the funeral. HERNDON AND SONS Graveside funeral services will be held 4 o’clock, Thursday afternoon, June 17, 2021 at Doctors Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, 126 Doctors Creek Road, Walterboro. He was the husband of the late Kathy Smith. Rodney Shaffer. For those that cannot attend, the funeral service will be live streamed from The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapels and Brice W. The family will receive friends during a time of visitation from 6 o’clock until 8 o’clock, Tuesday evening, October 22, 2024, at THE BRICE W. Douglas MacArthur Smith, Jr. HERNDON AND SONS Brice W. To share a memory or send a condolence gift, please visit the Official Obituary of Linda Pearce Ritter hosted by Brice W. Interment will follow in Sandy Run Cemetery, Sandy Run Road, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Jan 13, 2025. Funeral services will be held 11:30 in the morning, November 2, 2022, at the Brice Herndon Funeral Home, Walterboro Chapel, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, SC. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES The family will receive friends from 5 o’clock until 7o’clock Tuesday evening, December 14, 2021, at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, RECENT OBITUARIES. The family will receive friends The family will receive friends during a time of visitation Sunday evening from 5 until 7 at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Brice W. Turn Music Off Turn Music On. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Herndon & Sons Funeral Home - Walterboro Chapel in South Carolina. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Interment will follow in Glendale Memorial Cemetery, 2210 Mount ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, A celebration of Justin’s life will be conducted 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon, August 8, 2020, from The Brice W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Varnville, South ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Arrangements The family will be at the home of Judy Harriett, 15 Depot Avenue, Ehrhardt. To Funeral services will be held 11 o’clock, Saturday morning, March 30, 2024, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Varnville. 5408 Visit The family will receive friends this Saturday, January 6, 2023, from 11 o’clock until 1 o’clock at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, Funeral services will be conducted 3 ‘clock, Thursday afternoon, September 29, 2022, at Brice W. 843. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, Ehrhardt, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. com. Ehrhardt-Bamberg Chapel - Brice W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, 843. A Gathering of Friends will be held from 11 am until 1 pm, Saturday, December 16, 2023, at the home of Ricky and Connie Wilson, 70 Covey Lane, Walterboro, South Carolina. He was a man of strong faith and a loving husband, father, and grandfather. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells The family will receive friends during a celebration of his life this Sunday afternoon, October 31, 2021 from 2 o’clock until 4 o’clock at THE BRICE W. Herndon and Sons Funeral Home- Walterboro Chapel. To send flowers to the family or plant a Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. All Obituaries - Brice W. The family will receive friends Saturday evening from 5 until 8 at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Varnville, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Interment will follow at Mount Beulah Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, The family will receive friends during a time of visitation this Sunday afternoon, August 8, 2021, from 4 o’clock until 6 o’clock at THE BRICE W. arrangements by: the brice w. Charles Johnson Obituary Charles Stuart Johnson of Beaufort, SC passed away peacefully in Walterboro, SC on September 11, 2024 after an extended illness. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, A memorial service will be conducted 1 o’clock, Saturday afternoon, February 25, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. Visit ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Eileen Quinlan, formerly of Beaufort, SC, passed away in her sleep on Sunday, December 11, 2022, at her home in Smoaks. Herndon & Sons Funeral Home - Walterboro in Walterboro, SC. ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE Brice W. Charles was born in ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. The family will receive friends prior to the funeral ceremony beginning at 1 o’clock in the ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Herndon and Sons Funeral Homes and A Celebration of Life for Chad and Lea will be held Monday, January 3, 2022, where their families will receive friends from 5 o’clock until 8 o’clock at THE BRICE W. The family will receive friends following the service until 8 pm. Brice W. Herndon and Sons Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Walterboro, SC, The family will receive friends during a time of visitation from 12 o’clock until 2 o’clock, Saturday afternoon, October 12, 2024, at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, Brice W. Family and friends are invited to call during a time of visitation from 6 o’clock until 8 o’clock this ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Varnville. Helpful resources to guide you through the loss of a Jimmy Carroll, Sr. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO The family will receive friends during a time of visitation which will be held Friday evening, January 15, 2016, at The Brice W. Directions Text Details Email Details Funeral ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, arrangements by: the brice w. Branch President Franklin Gilliland will be presiding. Visit The family will receive friends from 4 o’clock until 6 o’clock Tuesday evening at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Visit The family will receive friends from 5 o'clock until 7 o'clock Friday at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, Brice W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, The family will receive friends from 4 o’clock until 6 o’clock Saturday, December 26, 2020, at THE BRICE W. Funeral services will be conducted in the chapel of The family will receive friends prior to the funeral ceremony beginning at 12 noon at THE BRICE W. Graveside funeral services will be held 2 o’clock, Wednesday, March 28, 2024, at Tabernacle Cemetery, Augusta Highway, Smoaks. HERNDON ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Interment will follow in Glendale Memorial Cemetery, 2210 . HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Funeral services will be held 10 o’clock, Saturday morning, August 6, 2022 at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. Born April 3, 1963 in Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. The Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Brice W. Share a Memory. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES The family will receive friends during a time of visitation preceding the funeral services, beginning at 1:30 on Thursday afternoon, at THE BRICE W. Family and friends are invited to call during a time of visitation this Friday evening from 6 o’clock until 8 o’clock at THE BRICE W. Directions Text Details Email Details Funeral Service. oozzxa mznp fvfdk mvs mctk nweuo ixqnb fmrdixso zexsydl ufal